Essential to elderly wellness is stimulating the mind. Mental exercising helps delay the consequences of dementia and various activities will contribute in this, including the choice of bright care home uniforms. Sensory stimulation is one of the methods which help communication for people with dementia. It also reduces agitation and sleep disturbances.
In particular, visual stimulation is very useful for patients affected by Alzheimer. The stimulation can involve light, shape, motion and colour. Some of these stimulations can also help with bringing back memories. For instance, looking at a sunset might help the patients to remember a similar scenario in their past; an old photo could bring some memories back too. Visual stimulation can also be produced in many different ways, such as paintings, flowers, bright furniture and coloured care home uniforms.
In fact, bright colours can help with stimulating the minds of elderly people as they create many parallels with childhood. For instance, it has been proved that playing with brightly coloured balls has a positive effect on keeping the mind active. Bright and coloured jigsaws also contribute to mind stimulations, since the mental process required is a good brain exercise. Furthermore, elderly people can be often affected by a sense of loneliness which can be replaced by warmth and security through bright colours, starting right from care home uniforms.
Care home uniforms can be chosen looking at colour properties in order to help mind stimulation. According to Atkinson (2004), white helps the mind to be open, clear and receptive. Red helps with blood pressure, cold hands and feet hypertension. Soft yellow helps tissue renewal and mental stimulation. Green helps energising the central nervous system. Turquoise helps with emotional anxiety or hyperactivity. Blue encourages rest and balances for over-activity.
For brain stimulating home care uniforms, we suggest our Trend Tunic which comes in black, white, charcoal, purple, pink and turquoise. Trend tunics are made with four way stretch polyester and can be washed up to 60° in order to ensure the maximum hygiene. For metal shank buttons with our heart logo engraved give these extremely comfortable tunics a classy touch, showing both a great attention to detail and to practical needs.
Although our trend tunic is no longer available our Clarity tunic is a great alternative.
Annie Lauri